Ismét frissült a Deluge, és most komolyabb, és nagyobb változásokat is eszközöltek a kliensen a készítők. Ezek az RC verziók az utolsó kiadások a végleges 1.1.0 előtt. Még egy RC egész biztosan lesz a stabil 1.1.0 megjelenése előtt.
Az új verzióban mind hibajavítások, mind fejlesztések bőven találhatóak. Érkeztek új pluginok és a kliens web-es felülete is jelentős csiszoláson esett át.
A változások listája:
Core: * Implement #79 ability to change outgoing port range * Implement #296 ability to change peer TOS byte * Add per-torrent move on completed settings * Implement #414 use async save_resume_data method * FilterManager with torrent filtering in get_torrents_status , for sidebar and plugins. * Implement #368 add torrents by infohash/magnet uri (trackerless torrents) * Remove remaining gtk functions in common * Tracker icons. * Add ETA for torrents with stop at seed ratio set * Fix #47 the state and config files are no longer invalidated when there is no diskspace * Fix #619 return "" instead of "Infinity" if seconds == 0 in ftime * Add -P, --pidfile option to deluged * Basic authentication for remote access to daemon, see: GtkUI: * Add peer progress to the peers tab * Add ability to manually add peers * Sorting # column will place downloaders above seeds * Remove dependency on libtorrent for add torrent dialog * Allow adding multiple trackers at once in the edit tracker dialog * Implement #28 Create Torrent Dialog * Redesiged sidebar with filters for Active and Tracker (see FilterManager) * Implement #428 the ability to rename files and directories * Implement #229 add date added column * Implement #596 show speeds in title * Fix #636 not setting the daemon's config directory when using --config= with the UI in classic mode. * Fix #624 do not allow changing file priorities when using compact allocation * Fix #602 re-did files/peers tab state saving/loading * Fix gtk warnings * Add protocol traffic statusbar item * Rework the Remove Torrent Dialog to only have 2 options, remove data and remove from session. * Add "Install Plugin" and "Rescan Plugins" buttons to the Plugins preferences * Make active port test use internal graphic instead of launching browser WebUi: * Lots of smaller tweaks. * All details tabs have the same features as in gtk-ui 1.0.x * Persistent sessions #486 * Plugin improvements for easy use of templates and images in eggs. #497 * Classic template takes over some style elements from white template. * https (for users that know how to create certificates) * Easier apache mod_proxy use. * Redesigned sidebar AjaxUI: * Hosted in a webui template. ConsoleUI: * New ConsoleUI written by Idoa01 * Callable from command-line for scripts. Plugins: * Stats plugin for graphs. * Label plugin for grouping torrents and per torrent settings. Misc: * Implement #478 display UI options in usage help * Fix #547 add description to name field per HIG entry * Fix #531 set default log level to ERROR and add 2 command-line options, "-L, --loglevel" and "-q, --quiet".
A RC1 után nagy valószínűséggel még jönni fog egy RC2 is.
Aki szeretné kipróbálni az új verziót, az innen tudja letölteni.