Rachel Faith otthagyja a Vortex Network-öt

Rachel Faith bejelentette, hogy lemond, és átadja a stafétabotot másnak. Terve tehát nem jött be, a közösségben nem volt elég “erő” ahhoz, hogy át tudják formálni az oldalt. Lehet túl kevés időt hagyott rá, lehet túl erősek voltak az ellenzők. Magához azért hű maradt és egy “nem mindennapi” lemondó levéllel búcsúzott a Cézár:

Winston Churchill said the only difference between war and politics, is that when politics is involved, you may die many deaths. This is the nature of those who choose to take the path of leadership. Your only duty is to protect those who follow you. Sometimes that protection means utterly giving yourself to cause.

In recent days you have seen a small but very vocal and very irate group of folks attempt to bring this site down. I have allowed them their say. I believe in the rights of those in the minority to be able to speak, even if I would disagree with every point of contention made. The right is superior to the content.

But, alas, when a mob reaches a certain crescendo the lines are crossed and there is no turning back. The same is true when a leader becomes more the element of the mob than do the issues themselves. This is the risk, and the duty of a leader. To protect the vision, even at the ultimate cost. And that is my commitment and my action. When a mob cannot by reason assail the substance, they assail the messenger. The messenger is always the expendable one, without regard to title or privilege.

Effective yesterday, Mactus became Caesar. So long as the issue is “Rachel, Rachel, Rachel”, the voice of reason is unheard and invisible. So I have resigned to take that issue away from the mob, and return the topic to reason and reason alone, detached from the cult of personality.

I leave this community in good and trusted hands. I will always be available for personal contact, it is not like I am hard to find.

Rachel Faith

Az oldalon az élet nem áll meg, a staff mai közleménye szerint várhatóak pár órás kiesések mind a  tracker, mind a webszerver esetében szerver karbantartás miatt. Az IRC hálózat továbbra is elérhető marad.

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