Deimos, az ismert és népszerű, de mostanában inkább költözéséről híres Demonoid torrent oldal tulaja bejelentette, hogy való-világ beli dolgai miatt véglegesen lemond, és többet nem foglalkozik az oldallal. Azok miatt, akik most megijednek, Deimos elmondta, hogy az oldalt, egy új, megbízható admin kezei alatt újra indítják. A közösséget arra kéri, hogy támogassák őt ebben.
Demios az üzenetét a subdemon nevű forumban írta:
Hello Everyone,
It is with great sadness (and not a little relief) that I announce that I will be stepping down as admin of Demonoid, with effect from today.
Demonoid is currently suffering from a number of things, prime amongst these being my distraction with real-world issues, and so I have handed the reins over to a new administrator – a close friend of mine, which I trust completely and has the knowledge and time to take care of the site.He will, in due course, be making his own announcements about the future of Demonoid. Of course, speculation over the future of the site is fun, but it is ultimately fruitless – you will all, in the near future, become aware of what the future holds. I trust that you will all give your support to the new admin as he finds his feet while he resurrects Demonoid.
Thanks again for your support in making Demonoid what it was and is.
Goodbye and good wishes – it has been a blast!– Deimos
április 11, 2008 at 9:59 de.
Hajrá, várom nagyon!!!
április 11, 2008 at 22:35 du.
Demonoid power!
április 12, 2008 at 1:02 de.
Már megy is!