Egy meglehetősen hosszú .nfo fájlban köszön el a scene-től a CODEX nevű, legendás cracker csapat, akik több mint 7000 release adtak ki 2014-es indulások óta.

A búcsú üzenetben több, már megszűnt csapat nevére is tesznek utalásokat, ezeket Redditen fejtették meg:

  • “The blade has been dull for a long time.” = RAZOR
  • “Quality, tradition and pride was slowly fading to darkness” = FLT (QUALITY, TRADITION AND PRIDE is the slogan in their NFO)
  • “there is a particular group that uses an old name without permission.” = SKIDROW (when they were reborn in 2007, there was drama surrounding the use of the SKIDROW name)
  • “people resurrecting and adopting old names from previously busted groups” = HOODLUM (busted during Operation Site Down in 2005)


RIP CODEX – 2014 – 2022